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Status of Foreign-invested Companies

Foreign-invested Companies

According to the Foreign Investment Promotion Act, foreign investment means a foreigner holding stocks of a Korean corporation in order to establish a continuous economic relationship with the corporation, an overseas parent company, etc. taking out a long-term loan with maturity of not less than five years that is provided to the relevant foreign-invested company, or a foreigner investing in a non-profit corporation.

INVEST SEOUL provides information of foreign-invested companies regarding their credit ratings, employee counts, and sales as well as statistics by region.

This information is based on cumulative data obtained from a domestic credit rating agency specializing in credit evaluations of companies up to the third quarter of 2022. Please note that some items may have been excluded due to insufficient data or undisclosed information.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) refers to where a foreigner’s investment is at least KRW 100 million and the foreign invested ratio is a minimum of 10% of the total investment amount, in accordance with the “Foreign Investment Promotion Act”. The types of FDI includes acquiring stocks of Korean companies, an overseas parent company’s providing of long-term loan with a maturity of at least 5 years to a foreign-invested company, and a foreigner’s investing in a non-profit organization. In addition, a foreign-invested company’s utilization of its unappropriated retained earnings for building an new factory or expanding an existing one shall also be recognized as FDI.

Invest Seoul provides statistics on the status of foreign-invested companies in Seoul by industry, average number of employees, and sales as follows.

The information below is provided by a domestic corporate credit rating agency and is as of the 2nd quarter of 2024.

Statistics of Foreign-Invested Companies in Seoul

Number of Companies in the Top Ten Autonomous Gus in Seoul (7,110 companies in all)
(Unit : Numbers)
a graph for Number of Companies in the Top Ten Autonomous Gus in Seoul.please refer to the section below.
Number of Companies

Foreign-invested Companies in Seoul by Industry Group

※ Click Chart by Industry Group to see the average amount (KRW) and average number of employees

Industry Group Ratio
1,006 companies
out of 8,210
Average Sales by Industry Group
1,006 companies out of 8,210
(Unit: KRW)
Graph providing information on the average revenue by industry sector, with detailed information referenced below
Agriculture, forestry and fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas, steam and water supply
Industry Group Ratio
3,402 companies
out of 8,210
Average Sales by Industry Group
3,402 companies out of 8,210
(Unit: KRW)
Graph providing information on the average revenue by industry sector, with detailed information referenced below
Sewerage, waste management, materials recovery and remediation activities Construction Wholesale and retail trade Transportation
Industry Group Ratio
2,045 companies
out of 8,210
Average Sales by Industry Group
2,045 companies out of 8,210
(Unit: KRW)
Graph providing information on the average revenue by industry sector, with detailed information referenced below
Accommodation and food service activities Financial and insurance activities Real estate activities and renting and leasing Professional, scientific and technical activities
Industry Group Ratio
634 companies
out of 8,210
Average Sales by Industry Group
634 companies out of 8,210
(Unit: KRW)
Graph providing information on the average revenue by industry sector, with detailed information referenced below
Business facilities management and business support services Education Human health and social work activities Arts, sports and recreation related services
Industry Group Ratio
1,123 companies
out of 8,210
Average Sales by Industry Group
1,123 companies out of 8,210
(Unit: KRW)
Graph providing information on the average revenue by industry sector, with detailed information referenced below
Membership organizations, repair and other personal services Information and communications Others

Foreign-invested Companies in Seoul by Sales

  • Sales KRW 1 billion or more
    • 62 companies in all
    • Average Sales KRW 4,772,850,897
    • Average National Pension Amount KRW 4,506,841
    • Average Number of Employees 2,567 People
  • Sales KRW 500 million – less than KRW 1 billion
    • 58 companies in all
    • Average Sales KRW 698,379,394
    • Average National Pension Amount KRW 4,408,061
    • Average Number of Employees 924 People
  • Sales KRW 100 million – less than KRW 500 million
    • 307 companies in all
    • Average Sales KRW 227,292,651
    • Average National Pension Amount KRW 4,344,960
    • Average Number of Employees 394 People
  • Sales KRW 50 million – less than KRW 100 million
    • 244 companies in all
    • Average Sales KRW 70,711,583
    • Average National Pension Amount KRW 4,348,414
    • Average Number of Employees 128 People
  • Sales KRW 10 million – less than KRW 50 million
    • 614 companies in all
    • Average Sales KRW 26,328,597
    • Average National Pension Amount KRW 3,972,704
    • Average Number of Employees 71 People
  • Sales KRW 10 million or less
    • 6,925 companies in all
    • Average Sales KRW 215,632
    • Average National Pension Amount KRW 1,411,115
    • Average Number of Employees 15 People

Map of Foreign-invested Companies in Seoul

0 ~ 100 Unit 100 ~ 300 Unit 300 ~ 500 Unit Over 500

  • Number of Companies companies
  • Cumulative Arrival Amount
  • Average Sales (monthly) KRW
  • Total Sales by Region (monthly) KRW
  • Average Employee Wage KRW
  • Average Number of Employees People
Top 5 Companies by and Industry